Dr Jorge Negrete Corona

Dr Jorge Negrete Corona

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Complicaciones de la reparación artroscópica del ligamento cruzado anterior sin ingreso hospitalario / Postoperative complications of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction after ambulatory surgery.

#reparaciónartroscópica #ligamentocruzadoanterior #Postoperativecomplications #anteriorcruciateligament 

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
Andrés-Cano P1Godino M2Vides M2Guerado E2.
 2014 Nov 25. pii: S1888-4415(14)00190-8. doi: 10.1016/j.recot.2014.09.001. [Epub ahead of print]
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Copyright © 2014 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.



To study postoperative complications of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction performed as an outpatient compared with same surgery performed as a regular admission (inpatient).


A study was conducted on a historical cohort of 342 patients (115 outpatients vs 227 inpatients) who underwentarthroscopic ACL primary ligamentoplasty (2004-2012). A review was performed on the demographic, surgical and hospital variables. A study was made of early complications (60 days postoperative) including visits to emergency department and readmissions. A descriptive and bivariate distribution analysis was performed between groups, with the grouping criterion: performing of the surgery with or without admission. The Chi-square test was used for qualitative variables and Mann-Whitney U test for quantitative. Limit significance p<0.05.


Overall, there were 13.2% emergency department visits (mean of 1.24 visits) with an average delay of 8.22 days after discharge. Complications: pain not controlled with analgesia (6.7%), hemarthrosis that required arthrocentesis (4.4%), fever (3.2%), deep vein thrombosis (0.6%), cellulitis (0.6%), septic arthritis that required arthroscopic debridement (0.3%), and others (1.2%) including problems with immobilization. The hospital readmissions (2.3%) were for surveillance and monitoring of the surgical wound. In the bivariate analysis no statistically significant differences were found between groups as regards the sociodemographic characteristics of the patients or the complications recorded.


The most frequent complications recorded were acute pain, hemarthrosis and fever. Serious complications (deep vein thrombosis, septic arthritis or need for hospital readmission) were rare. Outpatient arthroscopic ACL repair is a common technique that can be performed safely by surgery without admission, with an overall low complication rate with no differences between outpatients and inpatients.


Estudiar las complicaciones postoperatorias de la ligamentoplastia artroscópica del LCA realizada ambulatoriamente (CMA) comparándola con la realizada mediante hospitalización (no-CMA).

Material y método
Cohorte histórica sobre 342 pacientes (115 CMA vs. 227 no-CMA) intervenidos de ligamentoplastia primaria artroscópica del LCA (2004-2012). Revisión de variables sociodemográficas, quirúrgicas y de hospitalización. Estudio de complicaciones precoces (primeros 60 días) incluyendo visitas a urgencias hospitalarias y reingresos. Análisis descriptivo y bivariado de distribución entre grupos: realización de la técnica en CMA o no. Test Chi-Cuadrado para variables cualitativas y test U-Mann-Whitney para cuantitativas. Límite significación p<0 05

Un 13,2% de visitas a urgencias (media de 1,24 visitas), demora media de 8,22 días tras el alta. Complicaciones: dolor no controlado con analgesia (6,7%), hemartros a tensión precisando artrocentesis evacuadora (4,4%), sensación febril (3,2%), trombosis venosa profunda (0,6%), celulitis (0,6%), artritis séptica con desbridamiento artroscópico (0,3%) y otras (1,2%) como problemas con la inmovilización. Un 2,3% de ingresos para vigilancia y seguimiento de la herida quirúrgica. En el análisis bivariado no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos en las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes ni en las complicaciones registradas.

Las complicaciones más frecuentes registradas fueron el dolor agudo, el hemartros y la sensación febril. Las graves (trombosis venosa profunda, artritis séptica o necesidad de reingreso hospitalario) fueron excepcionales.

Copyright © 2014 SECOT. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament; Arthroscopy; Artroscopia; Cirugía mayor ambulatoria; Ligamento cruzado anterior; Ligamentoplastia; Ligamentoplasty; Outpatient Surgical Procedure
PMID: 25432638 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
#reparaciónartroscópica #ligamentocruzadoanterior #Postoperativecomplications #anteriorcruciateligament 

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